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Effects and simulation

We develop 3D simulations to mimic virtual recreations of real-world phenomena, such as physics-based interactions, fluid dynamics, and particle systems. These simulations are commonly used in industries such as film, gaming, and engineering to create realistic visual effects and test hypotheses in a virtual environment.

Particle simulation
Ocean and water simulation.

Visual effects (VFX) simulations are computer-generated images that replicate real-world phenomena, such as explosions, fire, smoke, and water.

Particle simulation

A 3D particle simulation is a powerful tool for creating realistic and dynamic visual effects, and it is widely used in a variety of industries, from entertainment to scientific visualization

Particle simulation
Advanced VFX software
Advanced VFX software

Simulations are created using specialized software and mathematical algorithms to accurately model the behavior of these phenomena in a virtual environment, resulting in highly realistic and visually stunning visual effects.

VFX experiments